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01 July 2024

Hot off the press – July giveaways

To be in to win any of these fabulous titles, just email us at with the book's title in the subject line and your name and postal address in the email body.

Good Dogs

Helen and Gavin Cook
Allen & Unwin

From the faces behind TV2's hit show The Dog House NZ comes a mix of practical information and dog love stories of successful matches, highlighting what it takes to be a responsible – and happy – dog owner. ​Gavin and Helen Cook run Country Retreat Animal Sanctuary and are experts at making sure prospective dog owners get the dog they need, rather than the dog they think they want.

Ruru, Night Hunter

Katie Furze & Ned Barraud

Dusk creeps. Birds peep. Ruru opens his eyes, stretches his wings, and calls ... More-pork! More-pork! Ruru, also known as a morepork, is Aotearoa New Zealand's only surviving species of native owl. This beautiful picture book invites you to meet the silent Night Hunter!

The Survivors

Steve Braunias

True stories of death and desperation

One survivor chooses loneliness.

One chooses exile.

One chooses oblivion.

Some have violent tendencies, ruining lives indiscriminately.

Some seal their own fate in slow motion; others do so in the blink of an eye.

In The Survivors, award-winning true-crime writer Steve Braunias retells twelve mysteries of human nature - unusual stories of how people choose to survive their own lives, and their decisions, desires, impulses... and failings.

Fox Spirit on a Distant Cloud

Lee Murray
The Cuba Press

Wellington, 1923, and a sixty-year-old woman hangs herself in a scullery; ten years later another woman ‘falls’ from the second floor of a Taranaki tobacconist; soon afterwards a young mother in Taumarunui slices the throat of her newborn with a cleaver.

All are women of the Chinese diaspora, who came to Aotearoa for a new life and suffered isolation and prejudice in silence. Chinese Pākehā writer Lee Murray has taken the nine-tailed fox spirit húli jīng as her narrator to inhabit the skulls of these women and others like them and tell their stories.

Fox Spirit on a Distant Cloud is an audacious blend of biography, mythology, horror and poetry that transcends genre to illuminate lives in the shadowlands of our history.

The Wolf and the Hocus Pocus

Avril McDonald

The latest publication in the "Feel Brave" series of books written by Avril McDonald. The series focusses on helping children deal with their feelings and concerns, and is supported by Save the Children, Women's Refuge, and the New Zealand Life Education Trust.