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Reviewed by Angela Thompson, Teacher Librarian, Remarkables Primary School, Queenstown
Opening sentence
I don’t like reading. But I had never come across a book that didn’t want to be read.
A young boy doesn't like reading, until one day in the school library he picks up 'The Book That Wouldn't Read'. When he opens it, the book seems to come alive and tries to avoid being read - with sentences moving up and down, words changing colour and disappearing - the book mirrors what a reluctant reader would do, while the teacher continually reminds the boy to read quietly. The ending has the boy excited to find his next read after finally finishing the book.

Children with reading struggles and reluctant readers will easily identify with this book, as will many parents and teachers. I really enjoyed how the book came to life from a reluctant or struggling reader’s point of view, with the boy trying to calm the book and desperately read until the end. It opened up a whole discussion with my class about should we be expected to read silently or quietly, or it is not just as important to enjoy a good book with others instead of fighting to get to the end.

I thoroughly enjoyed sharing this book with my class and the discussions that came from it. Highly recommended.
Author & Illustrator: Tim Tipene, Illustrator: Nicoletta Benella
Publisher: Oratia Books
ISBN: 9781990042317
Format: Hardback
Publication: Sept 2023
Ages: Early years / lower primary
Themes: Fantasy, magic, supernatural, adventure, friendship, books about books