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Reviewed by Cassidy Grace, Assistant HOD of English, Hamilton Girls' High School
Opening sentence
The tide rolled in.
Beauty and the Beast has always been one of my favourite fairy tales. Not because of the romance that blossomed between Belle and the Beast but because of the library. Belle’s love for reading and books makes me smile. I also love the ocean and pirates: so from the beginning, I was really looking forward to reading this.

This novel is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast which is set at sea. The main character, Ria, chooses to protect her family and this leads her to be a prisoner onboard a pirate ship. Here, she finds out about who she really is and learns that the Heartless King actually has a heart. There are some intense and descriptive battles in this book, which make it more compelling.

There are also some great characters, the use of mythical lore is intriguing and the setting is spellbinding. However, the plot feels rushed at times for a stand alone book; it leaves you wanting to know more about the characters.

It is an easy to read novel with elements that reminded me of Pirates of the Caribbean. I would recommend this to anyone who loves a retelling of a classic fairytale with different twists and surprises. It has aspects of fantasy, romance and battles that are enticing.
Author & Illustrator: Sarah Street
Publisher: Hachette
ISBN: 9781444973051
Format: Paperback
Publication: May 2023
Ages: 14+
Themes: Family, love, coming of age