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Reviewed by Petra Verbeek, Deputy Principal, Hamilton Christian School
Opening sentence
Save the planet – it’s everybody’s problem ... all unified in our love for one thing. This beautiful blue marble.
The novel touches on relevant issues, such as nature, family, friendship, and cultural issues. Slightly futuristic, the story is set in New Zealand, and follows Madeleine: a passionate eco-warrior protesting climate change. She is sent to stay with her grandfather for the school holidays. Her once great relationship with her grandfather is now rocky, and she re-ignites a friendship with Chris, who is trying to save the wetlands from developers. As a violent storm rips through the community, Madeleine’s grandfather is in danger, and she must face betrayal. The clean-up after the storm becomes a metaphor for Madeleine having to come to terms with things in her life.

The protagonist is a teenager, with the same problems as those of today, dealing with friendships, finding her identity, and looking to her future. The only difference is that the warnings of climate change we have today are realities for her. The novel packs a lot into 185 pages: developers against conservationists, old and young finding common ground on climate change, love and loss.

Overall, this novel is a satisfying, fairly quick read. The book can also be considered a YA Christian Fiction, as there are parts that deal with the Christian faith giving context and clarity, without it being overdone or intrusive.
Publisher: Self-published
ISBN: 9780473600938
Format: Paperback
Publication: 2021
Ages: 12-18
Themes: Environmental change, Family, Friendship, Faith.