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Reviewed by Petra Verbeek, Deputy Principal, Hamilton Christian School
Opening sentence
Holly sat in a hunched trance over the piano.
Holly Homeschool and the Bad Character is a delightful story told through the eyes of a precocious home-schooled young girl who cannot resist investigating the disappearance of a neighbourhood bunny.

Being an inquisitive, bright girl, she immediately sets out to find the culprit who may have killed the rabbit. Of course, she easily jumps to conclusions; she suspects Beno, her neighbour in the apartment building Holly and her family live in, because she has observed him stealing Mrs Marshall's newspaper. She has no qualms about believing Beno is perfectly capable of killing an innocent animal for a bit of fun.

Ordinary situations and events take on a magically adventurous tenor which will keep young readers both engrossed and rivetted to every page. Overall, the tone of the book is humorous and upbeat.

Holly’s capers resonate with young readers, as she misjudges poor Beno based on her preconceived ideas. How often do children judge their classmates on childish prejudices and bias? The book is a great lesson to not judge a book by its cover. Holly is a true home-school heroine and will appeal to most young girls.
Author & Illustrator: Angela Armstrong
Publisher: Norsou Books
ISBN: 979-8-390-33168-2
Format: Paperback
Publication: April 2023
Ages: Years 5-6
Themes: Preconceived ideas, jumping to conclusions