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Reviewed by Gina Coatsworth, Kaiako, TKKM o Te Whānau Tahi, Christchurch
Opening sentence
Kua utaina te waka ki ngā hanga, kua haere mātou ki te whanga.
Ko “Kei ōku Matimati Waewae he Onepū, He Rongo Mātaitai kei tōku Ihu” te pukapuka tuatahi a Rosalind Potter. Ko te kaupapa o tēnei pukapuka, ko te hararei a te whānau i tātahi. Ka kite rāua, ko ngā tamariki tokorua, i te tirohanga rerehua mai i te waka, ka oma kore-hū ki te moana, ka hōpara haere, ka tārere, ka kaukau, ā, ka tunua tāhōhō i te ahi.

Nā Ginney Deavoll ngā pikitia hei tautoko i te kōrero. Mā ngā pikitia e whakawhānui i te horopaki o te pukapuka. He tino āwhina ngā pikitia ki ngā kaipānui e ako tonu ana i te reo.

He rawe ki te kite i ēnei pukapuka hou i ngā toa i roto i ngā reo e rua. He tino tautoko ki te hunga e ako tonu ana i te reo rangatira, ki ngā mātua e ako ana i te taha o ngā tamariki. He pai tēnei momo pukapuka mā ngā tamariki me ngā whānau i ngā kāinga reo Māori me ngā Kōhanga Reo.

Ka taea te hoko tēnei pukapuka i te reo Pākehā hoki, ko “Sand in my Toes, Salt in my Nose” te ingoa.

“Sand in my Toes, Salt in my Nose” is the first picture book by Rosalind Potter. This children’s picture book describes the classic New Zealand holiday, told through the perspective of two tamariki. They experience the scenic drive to the beach, run barefoot to the beach, explore, swing, swim and roast marshmallows in the fire.

The story is supported by Ginney Deavoll’s illustrations. The illustrations add layers to the story. For those of us who are still building our vocabulary in te reo Māori, the pictures are really helpful.

It is fantastic to see the growing number of new books available in both English and
te reo Māori. Having both languages available is of great help to second language learners and parents learning alongside their tamariki. This picture book will be appreciated by tamariki and whānau in both English and Te Reo Māori homes and Kōhanga Reo.

This book can be purchased in both English and Te Reo Māori under the title “Kei ōku Matimati Waewae he Onepū, He Rongo Mātaitai kei tōku Ihu”.

A two book set can be purchased for $40
Author & Illustrator: Rosalind Potter & Ginney Deavoll Translator: Urupikia Minhinnick
Publisher: Rosalind Potter
ISBN: 97804736590305
Format: Paperback
Publication: November 2022
Ages: Preschool
Themes: holiday, beach, nature, exploration