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Reviewed by Ange Birks, Classroom Teacher, Ohinewai School, North Waikato
Opening sentence
Imagine yourself in a sky of bright blue observing the world with a bird's-eye view.
Right from the first page the reader is invited to use their imagination to become this bird themselves; this immediately personalises the story and draws the audience in.

At first I imagined it would be a nice little story for entertainment about a bird but the author subtly introduces ideas of conservation and nature with the invitation to “come closer” and notice another rumbling stomach. When the Kererū mother returns, the nest is empty. She lays another egg, but another predator sneaks up and the pair must wait until next year to start again.

The author introduces ways that the reader can help Kererū chicks hatch and survive: by setting traps, planting trees and protecting forests. The repetitive text invites us to “come closer” changes to “look further” as the story moves from the present to a future that needs to be considered for the Kererū chick to survive and continue it’s life cycle.

The Kererū is one of our most beautiful and easily identifiable native birds. The illustrations in this book capture it’s beauty perfectly and Lisa Allen has included other native flora and fauna which add to the story providing oral language prompts.

Overall this is a beautiful pukapuka to share and stimulate thoughts on conservation and protection.
Author & Illustrator: Glenda Kane Illustrator: Lisa Allen
Publisher: Bateman Books
ISBN: 978-1-77689-054-5
Format: Hardback
Publication: June 2023
Ages: Primary and Intermediate
Themes: Conservation, protection