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Reviewed by Carola Crawford, English teacher, Karanga Mai Young Parents’ College
Opening sentence
Just off the wild Aotearoa New Zealand coast, a new life has begun in the moana (ocean).
This information text about sharks and rays will have wide appeal to a range of ages. Although the information is detailed and complex, the text is written in a clear and straightforward manner, which makes it accessible to many readers. His illustrations are full page and attractive, enhancing comprehension and encouraging engagement with the text.

The author explores many aspects of shark and ray biology and ecology. He reveals interesting facts about the importance of these sea creatures in te ao Māori and their connection to humans over millions of years. He has worked closely with Te Papa’s sharks expert, Andrew Stewart, to ensure that his information is accurate, but he goes beyond description to encourage us to appreciate their beauty and value their place in our world.
Author & Illustrator: Ned Barraud
Publisher: Te Papa Press
ISBN: 978-1-99-116556-5
Format: Hardback
Publication: Oct 2023
Ages: everyone!