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Paterson, Kimberley
Writer's File

Kimberley Paterson

Paterson, Kimberley
In brief
Kimberley Paterson is a writer with an extensive background as a journalist. Paterson has published a range of books on subjects from real estate to clairvoyants. The Evening Post reviewed The Future Seekers (1996), her first book, saying ‘It’s an inspiring read both for people who feel life is getting too tough, and for those fascinated by the human capacity for strength.’


Paterson, Kimberley (- ) is a journalist and writer who has written on subjects from real estate to clairvoyants.

Trained as a registered and obstetric nurse, Paterson has worked as a freelance writer and journalist since the mid 1980s. She has been a staff writer for the New Zealand Women's Weekly, the Auckland Sun and Sydney's Sunday Telegraph, news editor for Women's Day and New Idea, and editor of Traveltrade and New Spirit magazines. She has worked as a documentary producer for 'Inside New Zealand', and her writing has appeared in numerous magazines in New Zealand and Australia.

Paterson's first book, The Future Seekers (1996) looks at New Zealand psychics, tarot readers, astrologers and other channellers. 'There are some terrific interviews,' writes She; More, '...the section on 0900 psychic readings is downright fascinating.'

The X Factor (1997) is subtitled Finding Inner Courage When Life Goes Terribly Wrong. Sixteen people who have been through life-changing events talk about how they survived. The subjects include New Zealand camera woman Margaret Moth, who was shot in the face in Bosnia, and Sol Filler, a survivor of the Nazi death camps. 'Though it could easily be tagged "New Age", the book doesn't push any particular philosophy,' writes The Evening Post. 'It's an inspiring read both for people who feel life is getting too tough, and for those fascinated by the human capacity for strength.'

Paterson's other titles are Ancient Spice, New Solutions (1998); Progesterone, The Natural Hormone (1999); Location, Location (1999); Little Gifts of Power (1999); Millennium Resolutions (1999); Magic Pendulum Weight Loss (2011); Progesterone Report (2011); and Superfoods (2011).