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Reviewed by Shelley Sutherland - Kaiako/Teacher St Bernadettes Primary Waitaha/Canterbury
Opening sentence
On land, Maia is excited to spend her holidays with her marine biologist father, where she discovers her ability to communicate with dolphins. It comes with a responsibility she never imagined.
Richards' latest installment into the realm of light fantasy promises an enthralling journey, tailor-made for middle schoolers embarking on a new series.

Through her signature storytelling finesse, Richards crafts a captivating narrative featuring princesses, mermaids, and the resilient Maia, a young protagonist navigating the tumultuous waters of adolescence. Seamlessly merging fantastical elements with relatable coming-of-age themes, the story unfolds into an enchanting adventure, enriched by vibrant settings and compelling supporting characters like the loyal confidante Jude.
Publisher: Green Room House
ISBN: 9780473676568
Format: Paperback
Publication: December 2023
Ages: 9+ years
Themes: Friendship, courage and risk-taking, and marine conservation, supports measures to stop over-fishing and clean up our waters.